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简介《2010年高考英语语法精讲二十六 情态动词》由留学英语组我整理(www.liuxue86.com)。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 1、情态动词 + have done sth 这个结构有着特殊意义:用来表示猜测(设想可能发生过什么事情)或 想象(设想可能出现过什么不同的情况) ①should (ought to) have done sth 本


《2010年高考英语语法精讲二十六 情态动词》由留学英语组我整理(www.liuxue86.com)。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。

1、情态动词 + have done sth



①should (ought to) have done sth 本来该做而未做

This wall oughtn?t to have been painted blue.

②need have done sth 本来有必要做而未做

You needn?t have told her the news.

③must have done sth 对过去所做动作的肯定推测

---We went to Paris.

---That must have been nice.

④can have done sth 对过去所做动作的否定或疑问推测

I don?t think he can have heard you. Call again.

Where can John have put the matches?

⑤may (might) have done sth 过去可能发生某事,与could相比,may和 might可能性较小,might 可能性更小;might 也可表示过去可能发生而未发生的事情。

Polly?s very late----she may (might) have missed her etrain.

You were stupid to try climbing there. You might have killed youself

⑥could have done sth

推测过去?可能?发生某事 (同can, 但can不用肯定句)

She could have gone off with some friends.


You were stupid to go skiing there----you could have broken your leg.


You could have helped me !

(You were able to help me, but you didn?t.)

2、can could be able to 表示?能力?

can 通常表示现在的或?一般的能力?---即你无论什么时候想做就能

做到的能力, 指单纯的表示一个人有某种能力。

You can certainly cook, even if you can?t do anything else.

be able to表示某人通过努力、克服困难做成某事。

will be able to 表示将来的能力

I?ll be able to speak German in another few months.

could 表达 ?一般的能力?---即你过去想干什么就可以干什么

She could sing like an angel when she was a kid.

但could 不能表达过去某种具体的能力,此时用was able to, managed to 或 succeeded in 等

How many eggs were you able to get ?

3、can, could, may和might 表示?可能性?



Anybody who wants to can become a prison visitor.

①---What shall we do ?

---We can try asking Lucy for help.②

Who can that be at the door ? Can it be Polly?③


We may go climbing this summer.①

You may be right.②

could / might可用来表示:①说话时某事可能是真实的;②将来


You could be right, but I don?t think you are.①

It could rain later on this evening.②

4、can, could, may 和might表示?允许?

①请求允许:它们都可以表示请求允许做某事,could 和 might并不是表示过去

Can (May, Could) I borrow your umbrella ?


You may / can watch TV for as long as you like. (不用could, might; mustn?t 有?拒绝?的意思)

---Could I use your phone?

---Yes, of course you can /may. (No, you can?t / may not.)





Can I carry your bag ?

I could / can do the shopping for you, if you?re tired.


Could / Can you help me with this letter?

You can / could start by cleaning the car.



---There?s someone coming up the stairs.

---That?ll be Mary.

You?ll start work at six o?clock.


I will (不用 I shall) 表示自愿做某事,或主动提出做某事,或表达坚定的意图

---Can somebody help me ?

--- I will.

I?ll break your neck.

will you常用来提出要求或下命令,或提出请求

Will you come this way, please?

Will you have some more wine ?


No, I won?t !

She won?t open the door.






①---Must we hand in our plan ?

---Yes, you must. (No, you needn?t.)

②---Need I come ?

---Yes, you must. (No, you needn?t.)

③---May I smoke here ?

---Yes, please. (Certainly. / Yes, you may. )

(No, you mustn?t. / may not. / Please don?t.)

④---Could / Can I offer you some coffee ? (提议)

(---Will / Would you have some coffee ?)

---Yes, please. / Yes, I?d like some ,please. (不用Yes, you can.)

(No, thank you.) (不用No, you can?t.)

⑤---Could / Can / Would / Will you (please) open the door ?(请求)

---Yes, of course (I will). (No, I?m afraid I can?t.) 《2010年高考英语语法精讲二十六 情态动词》由留学英语组我整理(www.liuxue86.com)

too soon太早 太快

so soon这么快

much soon也很快

very soon很快, 立刻, 马上

if it is the best thing to do,it cannot be done too soon


以上是我查找的翻译 我怀疑题目本身有问题 翻译读起来怪怪的。

文章标签: # you # can # ---