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湖南:湖南卷(语文、数学、英语) 新课标全国卷I(理综、文综)

湖北:湖北卷(语文、数学、英语) 新课标全国卷I(理综、文综)

陕西:陕西卷(数学、英语) 新课标全国卷I(语文、理综、文综)



海南:海南卷(物理、化学、生物、政治、历史、地理) 新课标全国卷I(语文、数学、英语)



Text 1

W: Excuse me. This is the address. How do I find it?

M: Right. You’ll need a street map. Here’s one, and I’ll show you where it is.

Text 2

W: Oh my! My car broke down, and I he to meet my aunt at the railway station before noon.

M: You’re lucky. I can drop you off on my way.

Text 3

W: Did you hear that Mr. Peterson is coming next week, Gordon?

M: Yes, so I called all the department heads to my office this morning. We need to give him reports on our program.

Text 4

W: I hope you like the book I lent you. I wasn’t sure if you’d be interested.

M: I had the same dou at first. But once I started, I simply couldn’t put it down.

Text 5

W: What is going on? It’s May, and we still he to wear warm clothes.

M: Well, there’s some good news on the radio. You probably can wear shorts tomorrow.

Text 6

W: Harry, let’s play some ping-pong today.

M: I’d love to play a set or two, but my right arm hurts. I’ve decided to stop playing ping-pong until it feels better.

W: Well, how about going skating?

M: I’d like to, but my knee hurts, too.

W: Harry, stop making excuses! You’re just lazy.

M: No, I’m not! You know, there’s a basketball match on TV today. Let’s just stay home and watch it.

W: OK. You stay, and I’ll play with Helen.

Text 7

W: What do you want to do tonight?

M: How about going to the cinema? I should be home from work at 5:45. Then we can go out and eat before we see a film.

W: What do you want to see?

M: There’s a good art film at the Green House Cinema.

W: Let’s see…it starts at 6:15. I don’t think we can get there in time to see the beginning. How about the action film at the New State Cinema? It starts at 6:50. Perhaps the 7:00 one at the UME Cinema is even better. It stars Jackie Chan.

M: OK, that’s fine. I like him, too.

Text 8

M: Hey, Lucy. Do you he some time to talk about next week’s trip with me?

W: Sure, De.

M: OK. So, we’re leing on Monday from Hartsfield International Airport, and returning on Friday. Do we take ourselves to the airport? Maybe we need to book a taxi, or just go by bus.

W: No, we don’t he to. The company car will pick us up and take us there.

M: Oh, that’s good. When?

W: Our flight lees at 11:00 a.m., so they should pick us up between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. Besides, the company pays for our trip, including hotel and food.

M: How much will that be?

W: Well, New York is a pretty expensive city. So, each of us will get $200 a day.

M: Oh, OK. Thanks for telling me that.

W: You’re welcome.

Text 9

W: Please sit down. Let’s see…you’re Mr. Smith. Is that correct?

M: Yes. John Smith.

W: And you’re interested in this job?

M: Yes, I am. I’ll graduate from college the coming June. My major is Chinese.

W: I see. He you ever done any work in this field?

M: Yes, I used to be a tour guide for Chinese trellers.

W: Good. Now, how much money do you expect to he for a year?

M: From what I’ve read, it seems that a starting pay would be around $12,000 a year.

W: Here, you would start at $10,500 for the first year…a kind of training period. Then you would go to $15,000.

M: That sounds fair enough. What do you think are the chances for me to get a job here?

W: Well, I’m talking to three people today and four tomorrow. We’ll be hiring two people. You’ll hear from us sometime next month. Good luck! And thanks for coming in today.

Text 10

M: Well, I’d love to share with you my personal opinions on city life and life in small towns. I grew up in a small town until I was 18 and then moved to a big city, so I he experienced the good and bad sides of both. I never thought that I would like living in a big city, but I was wrong. After ten years of living in one, I can’t imagine ever living in a small town again. Surely small towns and big cities both he some problems in terms of transport. In a small town, you he to own a car to make life comfortable. You can’t get around without one because there isn’t any kind of public transport. Big cities generally he hey traffic and expensive parking, but there you he a choice of taking public transport, which is cheaper than driving. So, if you don’t he a car, you’d better live in the city. I also love the exciting life in big cities. I can always enjoy a lot of films, concerts, and other wonderful shows. However, these things are not common in small towns. The final thing I like about large cities is that you can meet different kinds of people. However, you seldom find such a variety of people in a smaller town. I think that living in an area where everyone was just like me would quickly become dull. Of course, safety should be considered, and that’s one area where small towns are better than big cities. Still, I would rather be a bit more careful and live in a large city than to feel safe but dull.



例:How much is the shirt?

A. £19.15 B. £9.18 C. £9.15


1.What does the woman want to do?

A. Find a place. B. Buy a map. C. Get an address.

2.What does the man do for the woman?

A. Repair her car B. Give her a ride C. Pick up her aunt.

3.Who might Mr. Peterson be?

A. A new professor B. A department head C. A company director.

4. What does the man think of the book?

A. Quite difficult. B. Very interesting. C. Too simple.

5. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Weather B. Clothes C. News.




6. Why is Harry unwilling to join the woman?

A. He has a pain in his knee.

B. He wants to watch TV.

C. he is too lazy.

7. What will the woman probably do next?

A. Stay at home.

B. Take Harry to hospital.

C. Do some exercise.


8. When will the man be home from work?

A. At 5:45 B. At 6:15 C. At 6:50

9. Where will the speakers go?

A. The Green House Cinema. B. The New State Cinema. C. The UME Cinema.


10. How will the speakers go to New York?

A. By air. B. By taxi. C. By bus.

11. Why are the speakers making the trip?

A. For business. B. For shopping. C. For holiday.

12. What is the probalbe relationship between the speakers?

A. Driver and passenger B. Husband and wife C. Fellow workers.


13. Where does this conversation probably take place?

A. In a restaurant. B. In an office. C. In a classroom.

14. What does John do now?

A. He’s a trainer. B. He’s a tour guide. C. He’s a college student.

15. How much can a new person earn for the first year?

A. $10,500. B. $12,000. C. $15,000.

16. How many people will the woman hire?

A. Four B. Three C. Two


17. How long has the speaker lived in a big city?

A. One year. B. Ten years. C. Eigh years

18. What is the speaker’s opinion on public transport?

A. It’s comfortable B. It’s time-sing C. It’s cheap.

19. What is good about living in a small town?

A. It’s safer. B. It’s healthier. C. It’s more convenient.

20. What kind of life does the speaker seem to like most?

A. Busy. B. Colourful. C. Quiet.


之前曾有“25省份高考明年统一试卷”消息,对此,今年3月,教育部新闻发言人续梅曾表示,2016年将增加7个省,包括湖北、广东、陕西、四川、重庆、福建和安徽。目前使用全国卷的省份包括:河南、河北、山西、 陕西、湖北、江西、湖南、贵州 、甘肃 、广西、 青海 、西藏、 黑龙江、 吉林 、宁夏 、内蒙古 、新疆 、云南 、辽宁、海南、山东、广东、四川、重庆、福建、安徽。








2008 高考口语试题

第一、二套题 回答问题

1. How do you like your school?

2. What present will you give to your mother on her birthday?

3. What present will you give to your father on his birthday?

4. What will you do to protect yourself when an earthquake broke out?

5. What should you do before leing the lab?

6. Please say something about either of your parents.

7. Will you introduce yourself briefly?

8. Do you like treling? Why or why not?

9. What sports do you like best? Why?

10. What do you think of your head teacher?

11. How do you improve your English?

12. Say something about your family.


1. What do you think of Sichuan earthquake?

2. Please say something about your family.

3. Where would you like to go for your holidays?



1. Who is your fourite singer? Why?

2. How do you improve your English reading?

3. How do you like your English teacher?


1. Do you like treling? Where he you been? Which place impressed you most? Why?

2. How do you like your school?

3. How do you improve your English listening?


1. Who is your fourite sports star? Why?

2. How do you improve your oral English?

3. Do you like your head teacher? Why or why not?


( 1 ) Dinner starts with a small dish, which is often called a starter. Some people pray before they start eating, and other people may keep silent for a moment. Then you can say “Enjoy your meal” to each other and everybody starts eating. For the starter, which you eat with the smaller pair, you keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left. After the starter you will get a bowl of soup – but only one bowl of soup and never ask for a second serving.

The next dish is the main course. Many Westerners think the chicken breast with its tender white flesh is the best part of the bird. Some people can use their fingers when they are eating chicken or other birds, but never touch beef or the meat on bones. It is polite to finish eating everything on your plate, so don’t take more food than you need.

( 2 ) Chuck learns how to be a good friend to Wilson. Even though Wilson is just a volleyball, he becomes fond of him. He talks to him and treats him as a friend. Chuck learns that we need friends to share hiness and sorrow, and that it is important to he someone to care about. He also learns that he should he cared more about his friends. When he makes friends with Wilson, he understands that friendship is about feelings and that we must give as much as we take.

A volleyball is certainly an unusual friend. Most of our friends are human beings, but we also make friends with animals and even things. For example ,many of us he pets, and we all he fourite objects such as a lucky pen or a diary. The lesson we can learn from Chuck and all the others who he unusual friends is that friends are teachers. Friendship helps us understand who we are, why we need each other and what we can do for each other.

( 3 ) Rock and pop music are becoming more and more similar, but

Rock and pop music are becoming more and more similar, but there are still some differences. Most pop singers use the music to make money and become rich and famous. Rock singers, on the other hand, make music their life. They play music to make themselves feel better and hier. They do not think how much money they can make from a song, instead, they sing for their feelings and live for music.

Pop songs and rock songs are written in different ways. A pop song is written in a "factory" where one person writes the words, someone else writes the music, and other musicians record it. The singer often knows little about the ideas or feelings behind the song. As for rock music, however, the singers and musicians are all able to write music and work together in a band. When one of them has a strong feeling, he or she expressed it with music and the others help build the song.


(1)In 1996,Atlanta was the host of the Olympic Games, an honor the city shared with great cities such as Sydney and Beijing.

(2)Like all of us, disabled people also need inspiration and encouragement. The magazine Literature of Chinese Blind Children was started by Xu Bailun in 1985, when he decided that there should be a magazine for blind people in China. Blind children all over China read the magazine and it has inspired many of them to believe that they can realize their dreams. The articles in the magazine are often about disabled people who he overcome difficulties and learn to live a meaningful and productive life.

About one-third of the articles in Literature of Chinese Blind Children are written by disabled authors and blind children. One of the magazine’s best-known readers is Ye Zijie, who is now a teacher in Huhhot. In the year 2000, he was invited to study in London and became the first visually impaired Chinese to study abroad. Zijie says he was inspired and motivated by the magazine: “It is very important for us to know that someone far away is also struggling as we are.”

( 3 ) When we describe or talk about new inventions, we use words and ideas that we already know. For example, when we want to

When we describe or talk about new inventions, we use words and ideas that we already know. For example, when we want to explain how a computer works, we use words like “memory”, “store” and “cut and paste”. The words are useful, but they are not quite true. A computer’s “memory” is similar to human memory in some ways, but it is also very different. A computer does keep information in its memory, but that is clearly different from other kinds of storage. We do cut and paste, but we don’t use scissors or glue. Using familiar words makes it easier for us to understand and use a new tool, but it may also make it more difficult for us to use the new invention in the best way. After all, what makes a new invention such a wonderful thing is that it allows us to do something we could not do before.

Science is not just about electronics and plastic; it is also about how we think about the world. Now that we are developing new technology at such a high pace, the true challenge is to find new ways of using it. How will we use computers in the future?



1、Do you like your monitor? Why? Why not?

2、Is your English teacher strict with you in your studies? How?

3、How are you getting along with your classmates?


1、What kind of music do you like best?

2、What do you think of your English teacher?

3、Who is your best friend? Say something about him\her.


1、Do you often use dictionaries when you learn English?

2、what date is your birthday?

3、How do you like your mother?



1、Do you often play football/table tennis/volleyball/ Why? Why not?

2、Which do you like better,watching TV or seeing movies?

3、Please say something about your family.


1、Do you enjoy music? Why? Why not?

2、What's your fourite subject?

3、What do you often do on Sundays?


1、Do you buy any presents for your parents on their birthdays?

2、What sport do you like best?

3、What are you going to do during summer holidays?



1、 Do you often listen to English programs? Why? Why not?

2、What do you do in your spare time?

3、Do you like your school? Why? Why not?


1、Do you often watch TV? Why? Why not?

2、What are you going to be in the future?

3、Who is your fourite teacher? Please say something about him/her.


1、How do you usually spend your weekends?

2、Do you he any penfriends? Please say something about him/her?

3、What do you usually do in your spare time?



1、Do you like sports? Why? Why not?

2、What did you do after the collage entrance examinations?

3、Please say something about one of your good friends.


1、Do you think collecting stamps interesting? Why? Why not?

2、What subjects did you study?

3、What do you do to improve your English?


1、What's your fourite food?

2、How long did you spend on your homework every day?

3、Could you please say something about your school?



1、Is it important to learn English? Why? Why not?

2、How many classed did you he in Senior Three every day?

3、What do you do to keep fit?


1、Do you like English? Why? Why not?

2、How are you getting along with your school life?

3、Who is your fourite teacher? Please say something about him/her.


1、What subject do you like best? Why?

2、How often do you watch TV?



1、Why do you study English?

2、Which season do you like best? Why?

3、What are your parents?


1、How do you learn English?

2、Which subject do you like best? Why?

3、How will you spend your summer holidays?


1、Do you like English? Why?

2、How do your parents celebrate your birthday?

3、Is your hometown beautiful? Say something about your hometown.



1、When will the 29th Olympic Games be held in Beijing?

2、Do you celebrate your birthday? How ?

3、What‘s your fourite food? Why?


1、What do you usually do for your holiday?

2、What do you think you can do for the disabled people?

3、How do you spend your spare time?


1、Do you like playing computer games? Why? Why not?

2、Is the computer useful in our daily life? Please give some examples. 3、Say something about your hobby, please.

at's your interest? Please say something about it?



1、Do you think spoken English is important? Why? Why not?

2、What‘s your forite subject?

3、How do you usually celebrate your parents‘ birthday?


1、How do you like your Chinese teacher?

2、How do you usually celebrate your birthday?

3、Do you often do something good for your class? How?


1、How much time do you spend on English reading everyday?

2、What does your father do?

3、Is the city/village where you are living beautiful?



1、What‘s your forite sport? Why/Why not?

2、How many classes are there in your school?

3、Are you good at English?


1、Which is your forite university?

2、What subject are you good at?

3、Could you tell me something about your family?


1、How often do you go to see a film/ 2、How far is it from your home to your school?

3、Do you often help do housework?



1、What is your forite subject? Why?

2、How do you usually spend your weekends?

3、What do you think of your school? Please describe it.


1、How do you usually celebrate your birthday?

2、Do you want to take English as your major? Why? Why not?

3、Can you tell us something about your English teacher?


1、Do you often ask your English teacher questions? Why/ Why not?

2、How can you improve your spoken English?

3、Would you please give a brief introduction of your family?



1、How do you find your English teacher?

2、Do you love music? Why/Why not?

3.Which university do you like best? Why?


1、Do you often watch TV at home? Which channel?/Why not?

2、How do you usually spend your weekends?

3、What are you going to be in the future?


1、Do you love your hometown?Why?/ Why not?

2、What is your forite sport?

3、What do you often do in your spare time?



1、Do you like music? Why/Why not?

2、What subject do you like best? Why?

3、Why do you learn spoken English?


1、Do you like spoken English? Why/Why not?

2、Do you listen to music while you are studying?Why/Why not?

3、What will you do if you he a lot of money?


1、Do you think friends are important to you? Why/Why not?

2、Please say sth about one of your best friends.

3、What TV programme do you like best? Why?



1、Do you often watch TV? Why/Why not?

2、What are your hobbies? Please say sth about them.

3、How do you celebrate your birthday?


1、How do you spend your weekends?

2、What‘s your fourite sport? Why?

3、Do you think money is very important to you?


1、Do you think friendship is important to you? Why/Why not?

2、What is your forite food? Why?

3、Do you like animals? Why/Why not?



1、Please say sth about your hometown.

2、Do you often play computer games? Why/Why not?

3、What is your forite university?Why?


1、How do you spend your spare time?

2、Please say sth about one of your good friends

3、Do you love your school? Why/Why not?


1、Do you like to he a part-time job?Why/Why not?

2、How do you find your English teacher?

3.What is your forite subject?Why?



1、How do you practise your spoken English?

2、Do you remember your parents‘ birthday?How do you celebrate them?

3、What season do you like best?Why?


1、Would you please introduce your family?

2、Do you like fast food?Why/Why not?

3、Do you think friendship is important to you?Why/Why not?


1、Do you share your feelings with your friends?Why/Why not?

2、Are you ready to help others?Why/Why not?

3、How do you improve your spoken English?



1、Do you keep any pets?Why/Why not?

2、How will you spend your holidays this summer?

3、Do you like treling?Why/Why not?


1、How do you spend your pocket money?

2、Where would you like to trel?Why?

3、Do you think that good memory is important in learning English?Why/Why not?


1、What kind of music do you like?

2、What do you do to improve your English?

3、Say sth about your hobby,please.

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