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tamoadmin 2024-06-07 人已围观

简介1.2016山东高考英语答案是正确的吗2.金考卷2016年高考最后一卷英语第七模拟答案3.2016高考英语 to be permitted对吗written exercises书面练习A Rewrite these sentences.模仿例句将以下祈使句改写成带有动词不定式的陈述句:Example:Please repair it. I want you to repair it.1 Pleas



3.2016高考英语 to be permitted对吗


written exercises书面练习

A Rewrite these sentences.



Please repair it. I want you to repair it.

1 Please spell it.

2 Please telephone him.

3 Please wear it.

4 Please ask her.

5 Please tell them.

6 Please help us.

B Write questions and answers.



Type it again!

What do you want me to do? I want you to type it again.

1 Carry it!

2 Correct it!

3 Listen to it!

4 Describe it!

5 Move it!

6 Try it!

7 Finish it!

8 Keep it!

C Rewrite these sentences.



Don't type it again! (He/her)

He is telling her not to type it again. He doesn't want her to type it again.

1 Don't hurt yourself! (She/him)

2 Don't slip! (She/him)

3 Don't fall! (She/him)

4 Don't miss it! (She/them)

5 Don't break it! (She/him)

6 Don't drive it!(He/her)

D Answer these questions.



Why is he speaking to her? (type it again) Because he doesn't want her to type it again.

1 Why is she speaking to him? (hurt himself)

2 Why is she speaking to him? (slip)

3 Why is she speaking to him? (fall)

4 Why is she speaking to them? (miss it)

5 Why is she speaking to him? (break it)

6 Why is he speaking to her? (drive it)


Lesson 106


1 I want you to spell it.

2 I want you to telephone him.

3 I want you to wear it.

4 I want you to ask her.

5 I want you to tell them.

6 I want you to help us.


1 What do you want me to do? I want you to carry it.

2 What do you want me to do? I want you to correct it.

3 What do you want me to do? I want you to listen to it.

4 What do you want me to do? I want you to describe it.

5 What do you want me to do? I want you to move it.

6 What do you want me to do? I want you to try it.

7 What do you want me to do? I want you to finish it.

8 What do you want me to do? I want you to keep it.


1 She is telling him not to hurt himself. She doesn't want him to hurt himself.

2 She is telling him not to slip. She doesn't want him to slip.

3 She is telling him not to fall. She doesn't want him to fall.

4 She is telling them not to miss it. She doesn't want them to miss it.

5 She is telling him not to break it. She doesn't want him to break it.

6 He is telling her not to drive it. He doesn't want her to drive it.


1 Because she doesn't want him to hurt himself.

2 Because she doesn't want him to slip.

3 Because she doesn't want him to fall.

4 Because she doesn't want them to miss it.

5 Because she doesn't want him to break it.

6 Because he doesn't want her to drive it.



<n> 住宿,膳食;和解,调解,调和


they are collected from the airport upon arrival and brought to their accommodation in comfort.



if you are luck enough to land such an accommodation. though ,be sure you are 100 percent on time.





2016高考英语 to be permitted对吗


1.—What your father ?

—He is a driver.

A.do, does B.does, do C.do, do

答案: B

2.I a brother. He tall.

A.have, has B.has, is C.have, is



1He died at the_______(年龄) of 95.


2.----Which is your favourite festival, Jim ?

---I like Halloween______________.


按照语法规则没有任何问题。但这个文章选自著名英国记者,作家。英国人学英语是不学语法的,所以他自己都不知道还要用to do形式。

语法是给非本国语言用的,所以遇到这种情况只能算运气背。包括以前高考的it is i,但答案是it is me/mine.语法中只有I是对的,其他是口语化。

文章标签: # to # it # want