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简介1.求2016-2017外研版英语周报高三第七期答案第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话或独白后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话或独白你将听一遍。例:What is the man going to read?A. A






例:What is the man going to read?

A. A newspaper

B. A magazine

C. A book


1. Who answered the phone?

A. Mike B. Henry C. Tom

2. What’s the woman’s favourite food?

A. Italian. B. Chinese. C. Indian

3. When does the first flight arrive in Detroit?

A. 5:18am. B.6:10am C.8:50am

4. What is the woman looking for?

A. Zoo B. Telephone C. Tennis court

5. What will the weather be like at the weekend?

A. Cloudy. B. Snowy. C. Sunny




6. Where are the two speakers?

A. In the hotel B In a shop C. In a restaurant

7. How much did the man pay in the end?

A. $115. B. $130 C. $140


8. What did the man do last weekend?

A. Watched TV. B. Stayed at home. C. Visited a friend

9. What will the woman probably do this weekend?

A. Play tennis. B. Do some shopping C. Go to a dance


10. Where are the new houses?

A. On the main road. B. Close to a bus station. C. Near the sports center.

11. What does the woman like most about the new houses?

A. The garden. B. The space. C. The quietness

12. How does the man feel about the woman’s suggestion?

A. Delighted. B. Disappointed. C. Uninterested.


13. What can’t the students do without a teacher?

A. Hold parties.

B. Complete the Safety Sheet.

C. Use any emergency equipment.

14. Why are the students asked to tie back their loose hour in the lab?

A. It may catch fire

B. It may cover their eyes.

C. It may pass chemicals to their faces.

15. What is the speech mainly about?

A. Laboratory regulations.

B. Safety instructions.

C. After-class activities.



Telephone Cancellation Request Form

Account Name Edward 16

Telephone No. 17

Home Phone Plan Nonrefundable(不退款) 18 pre-paid plan

Reason for Cancellation 19 house

Cancellation Date Required 20 9, by 5:00 pm


第一节 单项填空(共15小题:每小题1分,共15分)


例:It’s so nice to hear from her again ______, we last met more than thirty years ago.

A. What’s more B. That’s to say

C. In other words D. Believe it or not


21. —Look at those clouds!

—Don’t worry. ______ it rains, we’ll still have a great time.

A. Even if B.As though C. In case D. If only

22. By the time you have finished this book, your meal ______ cold.

A. gets B. has got C. will get D.is getting

23. One learns a language by making mistakes and ______ them.

A. corrects B. correct C.to correct D. correcting

24. Jerry did not regret giving the comment but felt ______ he could have expressed it differently.

A. why B. how C. that D. whether

25. George said that he would come to school to see me the next day, but he ______.

A. wouldn’t B. didn’t C. hasn’t D. hadn’t

26. When deeply absorbed in work, ______ he often was,he would forget all about eating or sleeping.

A. that B. which C. where D. when

27. _______ with care, one tin will last for six weeks.

A. Use B. Using C. Used D. To use

28. Many people have donated that type of blood; however, the blood bank needs _____.

A. some B. less C. much D. more

29. —Have you heard about that fire in the market?

— Yes, fortunately no one _____.

A. hurt B. was hurt C. has hurt D. had been hurt

30. Our friendship _____ quickly over the weeks that followed.

A. had developed B. was developing

C. would develop D. developed

31. ______ at the door before you enter my room, please.

A. Knock B. Knocking C. Knocked D. To knock

33. We ______ the difficulty together, but why didn’t you tell me?

A. should face B. might face

C. could have faced D. must have faced

34. Do you think this shirt is too tight ____ the shoulders?

A. at B. on C. to D. across

35. Don’t handle the vase as if it ____ made of steel.

A. is B. were C. has been D. had been

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)



“Mama, when I grow up, I’m going to be one of those!” I said this after seeing the Capital Dancing Company perform when I was three. It was the first time that my __36__ took on a vivid form and acted as something important to start my training. As I grew older and was __37__ to more, my interests in the world of dance __38__ varied but that little girl’s dream of someday becoming a __39__ in the company never left me. In the summer of 2005 when I was 18, I received the phone call which made that dream a __40__; I became a member of the company __41__ back to 1925.

As I look back on that day now, it surely __42__ any sense of reality. I believe I stayed in a state of pleasant disbelief __43__ I was halfway through rehearsals (排练) on my first day. I never actually __44__ to get the job. After being offered the position, I was completely __45__. I remember shaking with excitement.

Though I was absolutely thrilled with the change, it did not come without its fair share of __46__. Through the strict rehearsal period of dancing six days a week, I found it vital to __47__ up the material fast with every last bit of concentration. It is that extreme __48__ to detail (细节) and stress on practice that set us __49__. To then follow those high-energy rehearsals __50__ a busy show schedule of up to five performances a day, I discovered a new __51__ of the words “hard work.” What I thought were my physical __52__ were pushed much further than I thought __53__. I learned to make each performance better than the last.

Today, when I look at the unbelievable company that I have the great __54__ of being a part of, not only as a member, but as a dance captain, I see a __55__ that has inspired not only generations of little girls but a splendid company that continues to develop and grow-and inspires people every day to follow their dreams.

36. A. hobby B. plan C. dream D. word

37. A connected B. expanded C. exposed D. extended

38. A. rarely B. certainly C. probably D. consistently

39. A. director B. trainer C. leader D. dancer

40. A. symbol B. memory C. truth D. reality

41. A. bouncing B. dating C. turning D. tracking

42. A. lacks B. adds C. makes D. brings

43. A. while B. since C. until D. when

44. A. Cared B. Expected C. Asked D. Decided

45. A. motivated B. relaxed C. convinced D. astonished

46. A. challenges B. profits C. advantages D. adventures

47. A. put B. mix C. build D. pick

48. A. Attention B. association C. attraction D. adaptation

49. A. apart B. aside C. off D. back

50. A. over B. by C. with D. beyond

51. A. function B. meaning C. expression D. usage

52. A. boundaries B. problems C. barriers D. efforts

53. A. necessary B. perfect C. proper D. possible

54. A. talent B. honor C. potential D. responsibility

55. A. victory B. trend C. tradition D. desire





The Basics of Math—Made Clear

Basic Math introduces students to the basic concepts of mathematics, as well as the fundamentals of more tricky areas. These 30 fantastic lectures are designed to provide students with an understanding of arithmetic and to prepare them for Algebra(代数) and beyond.

The lessons in Basic Math cover every basic aspect of arithmetic. They also look into exponents(指数), the order of operations, and square roots. In addition to learning how to perform various mathematical operations, students discover why these operations work, how a particular mathematical topic relates to other branches of mathematics, and how these operations can be used practically.

Basic Math starts from the relatively easier concepts and gradually moves on to the more troublesome ones, so as to allow for steady and sure understanding of the material by students. The lectures offer students the chance to “make sense” of mathematical knowledge that may have seemed so frightening. They also help students prepare for college mathematics and overcome their anxiety about this amazing—and completely understandable—field of study.

By the conclusion of the course, students will have improved their understanding of basic math. They will be able to clear away the mystery(神秘性) of mathematics and face their studies with more confidence than they ever imagined. In addition, they will strengthen their ability to accept new and exciting mathematical challenges.

Professor H. Siegel, honored by Kentucky Educational Television as “the best math teacher in America,” is a devoted teacher and has a gift for explaining mathematical concepts in ways that make them seem clear and obvious. From the basic concrete ideas to the more abstract problems, he is master in making math lectures learner-friendlier and less scary.

With a PhD in Mathematics Education from Georgia State University, Dr. Siegel teaches mathematics at Central Arizona College. His courses include various make-up classes and a number of lectures for future primary school teachers.

If the course fails to provide complete satisfaction to you, you can easily exchange it for any other course that we offer. Or you can get your money back.

56. What does the course Basic Math mainly cover?

A. Algebra. B. College Mathematics.

C. Arithmetic. D. Mathematics Education.

57. What benefits can students expect from Basic Math?

A. Stronger imaginative ability.

B. Additional presentation skills.

C. More mathematical confidence.

D. Greater chances of becoming teachers.

58. What can we learn about Professor H. Siegel?

A. He is a guest lecturer at Kentucky Educational Television.

B. He is to deliver 30 lectures in Basic Math.

C. He works in Georgia State University.

D. He specializes in training teachers.

59. Where is the passage most likely to have been taken from?

A. A news report. B. A book review

C. A lesson plan. D. An advertisement




Book 6 Units 2-3



1-5 ACBBC 6-10 BCBCC

11-15 BAACB 16-20BCABC

21-25 CCADC 26-30BDACB

31-35 DDCAB 36-40FCBGE

41-45 ADCCB 46-50BCDAA

51-55 CBBDC 56-60ADCDB

61. as 62. with

63. it 64.appointment

65. to call 66.if

67. freezing 68.something

69. what 70.will end


71. ... was quite poorer. poorer → poor

72. ... very intelligence and ...

intelligence → intelligent

73. ... was our stop. our → his

74. ... people dressing like ...

dressing→ dressed

75. ... alone listen me.” listen后加to

76. ... he leaves delightedly.

leaves→ left

77. ... his words where ...

where→ when

78. ... among the others. 去掉the

79. ... unless nothing else ...

unless→ if

80. ... I often shared ... shared → share

One possible version:

Good morning, everyone!

It is a great honour for me to stand hereand deliver my speech. My topic today is “Set your goal and take action!”

As the saying goes, “Set goals. Reach them.Set new goals. This is the quickest road to success.” The first step towardssuccess is to decide on your goal and get started.

Take myself for example. When I enteredsenior high school, I set a goal for myself. I wanted to become one of the topstudents in my class. So I always worked hard at my lessons. My efforts paidoff because I was trying really hard and never gave up in the face ofdifficulty.

If you are aware of your goal and try yourbest, you will make it come true!

That's all. Thank you!





21. C。推理判断题。由第一段中女孩所说的Oh, wait, I'm sorry. Is that something I shouldn't ask?可推断,她只是出于好奇才问作者这个问题。

22. C。推理判断题。由第三段中的there's a big connection to the land. Our house is surrounded by amountain ... our garden可推断,作者成长的地方的生活比较亲近自然。

23. A。推理判断题。由第四段中的Never shoot a female deer, because she might be pregnant及If you kill a deer, find a way touse all of it可推断,这两条规定非常注重对生态环境的保护。故A项正确。

24. D。词义猜测题。由倒数第二段中的Going to college has been a big change for me及下文提到的学校人数变得很多、身边的土著人所占比例极小可推断,这种与以往截然不同的生活对作者来说有点“恐怖”但也很令人兴奋。故划线词的意思应是frightening。



25. C。篇章结构题。由上文的all of the magazines and at models ... when we wear swimsuits及下文的how hot you look可推断,划线词指代“穿上泳衣后展示出不完美的身材”。

26. B。推理判断题。由上文的We were watching the Oscars and my 6-year-old son said “She is so pretty,” and then quickly looked at me andsaid及下文作者的话It'sokay. There are many people prettier than me on the outside可推断,作者的儿子那样说很可能只是为了安慰自己的妈妈。

27. D。推理判断题。由第四段中的the grass is always greener syndrome及It is very easy for all of us to see the glamour ... Talk about whatproblems they might have可知,作者认为人们通常更容易看到别人好的地方,而忽视别人不如意的地方,即“这山望着那山高”。故D项正确。

28. A。细节理解题。由最后一段中的You are the parent! Kids of all ages want and need boundarieswhether they admit it or not可知,作者建议家长们适当限制孩子们接触的东西。



29. C。推理判断题。由第二段中的this man and his sign was more or less the opposite of undercovermarketing. He was telling the world who he was working for可推断,作者之所以没有去那家店是因为男子做广告的方式过于直白、明显,他没有被男子的招牌吸引。

30. B。细节理解题。由第三段末的Sylvester Stallone took a $500,000 payment from one tobacco companyto smoke its brand in three of his films可知。

31. D。词义猜测题。由下文的Right now, it has more than 5.2 million views, and I think that thenumber would have been much lower if ... 可知,秘密营销比普通营销更能吸引眼球。据此可推断,划线部分的意思应是“吸引人们的注意”。

32. D。段落大意题。最后一段的首句The most obvious risk for an undercover marketing campaign isfailing to keep the campaign hidden是本段的主题句。再结合下文可知,本段主要讲秘密营销的风险。



33. C。细节理解题。由第一段中的Shubhendu Sharma has found a way to grow native forests anywhere inthe world可知。

34. A。细节理解题。由第三段中的creating a computer program that registers tree species' parametersin order to find the best combination of trees that will form a forest可知,该计算机程序可以记录各种树木的特性,从而找到组成树林的最佳树木组合。故A项正确。

35. B。推理判断题。Sharma在当志愿者期间受到启发,开办植树公司,并结合自己的工业工程师的工作背景研发计算机软件,从而更有效地植树造林。这说明他是一个富有创造力的人。




36. F。F项与上文的see theimportance of it相呼应。

37. C。C项与本段小标题及下文的Relax,breathe相呼应,说明学生要让自己在心情好的情况下写大学申请论文,并从中找到乐趣。

38. B。由下文的The worst thing you can do is pick an ordinary topic ... but what isactually significant to you可知,本段主要是说大学申请论文的内容要避免老套的话题,应该体现自己的独特性。故B项恰当。

39. G。G项与上文的have aninspiring struggle that you overcame相呼应。

40. E。E项与上文的admissioncounselors do not only want to hear about how much you do, especially if theyalready see this on your resume相呼应。




41. A。根据常识可知,织地毯时童工应该是弯着腰的,再结合下文的his bones did not grow correctly可推断,Iqbal每天长时间“弯着腰(bending)”织地毯。

42. D。由上文的He did not eat well可推断,Iqbal因为营养不良长得很瘦小。故选tiny。

43. C。由下文的damaged his lungs可推断,空气中的“尘埃(dust)”损害了Iqbal的肺。

44. C。由第一段中的When Iqbal Masih was four years old, his ... parents sold him to acarpet maker for $200. For six years, Iqbal made carpets every day可推断,Iqbal十岁时结束了童工生涯。

45. B。由下文的The organization has freed more than 30,000 children及Iqbal went to school可推断,Khan使Iqbal获得了自由。故选freed。

46. B。由下文的The organization has freed more than 30,000 children可推断,Khan 成立BLLF的目的是“反对(fight against)”巴基斯坦雇用童工。

47. C。由下文的work in support of Pakistan's twelve million child laborers可推断,Iqbal“加入了(joined)”BLLF。

48. D。由第一段末的As a result, he was ... the air damaged his lungs可推断,Iqbal“身体不好(sick)”。

49. A。下文提到Iqbal代表BLLF在美国和欧洲演讲并成功解救了很多童工,他还倡议人们不要购买巴基斯坦的地毯。这说明他是一个“聪明的(smart)”孩子。

50. A。上文提到Iqbal反对雇用童工,据此可推断他应该是向孩子们讲他们的各项权利,如受教育的权利。故选rights。

51. C。由下文的he made speeches可推断,Iqbal以BLLF的国际“发言人(spokesman)”的身份去了美国和欧洲。

52. B。由上文的He also traveled to the United States and Europe可知应选trips。

53. B。由下文的In 1992, Pakistani carpet exports dropped可推断,Iqbal请求人们不要“购买(buy)”巴基斯坦地毯。

54. D。Iqbal反对雇用童工,并为此请求人们不要购买巴基斯坦地毯,因为几乎所有的巴基斯坦地毯都是“儿童(children)”制作的。

55. C。Iqbal反对雇用童工且工作效果显著,据此可推断,他成了国际“英雄(hero)”。

56. A。57. D。由上文Iqbal号召人们不要购买巴基斯坦地毯及下文的got their revenge可推断, Iqbal虽然“仍然(still)”是个孩子,但是因为触犯了地毯制造商的利益而成了他们的“敌人(enemy)”。

58. C。上文提到Iqbal成了地毯制造商的敌人,要报复他的应该也是这些人。故选makers。

59. D。由下文的His killers可知,Iqbal被“杀害了(killed)”。

60. B。“杀死Iqbal的凶手没有被抓到”和“反对童工的工作继续进行,人们对雇用童工的行为更加愤慨”之间是转折关系,故选However。


61. as。考查副词。as soon as意为“一……就”。

62. with。考查介词。have nothing to do with sb.意为“与某人没有任何关系”。

63. it。考查固定短语。take it easy是固定短语,在此意为“别发怒”。

64. appointment。考查名词。设空处有any修饰,故填appoint的名词形式appointment。

65. to call。考查不定式作宾语的用法。由句意“我忘记给你打电话了”可知,应填to call。

66. if。考查连接词。设空处所在句是一个虚拟条件句,故填if。

67. freezing。考查形容词作定语的用法。freezing cold意为“严寒”。

68. something。考查代词。but后的分句意为“有些事我不得不做”,故填something。

69. what。考查连接词。设空处引导从句作about的宾语,且在从句中作say的宾语,故填what。

70. will end。考查时态。end表示的是将来的情况,故填willend。


Book 3 Modules 1-2




11-15 CBABA 16-20CBBAC

21-25 AABBD 26-30BBCBA

31-35 DCCDA 36-40BDAFC

41-45 BADDC 46-50CDABB

51-55 DACCB 56-60DBAAC

61. wearing 62.a

63. of 64.were sentenced

65. really 66.to teach

67. who / that 68. what

69. known 70.shows


71. ... we live are ... are → is

72. ... the most comfort ...

comfort → comfortable

73. ... on better terms ... better → good

74. ... with an 4-year-old ... an → a / their

75. Learned that they ...

Learned → Learning

76. ... wherever I was free.

wherever → whenever

77. ... what I can help ... help前加to

78. ... anything as return ... as → in

79. ... young couple who ... 去掉who

80. ... some small gift ... gift→ gifts

One possible version:

Recently a survey has been done to find outthe average number of books each person reads every year in Israel, Japan,Iceland, France and China. According to the survey, Israel comes first with 64books; Japan, second with 40. Iceland ranks the third with 24, while Francecomes fourth with 11. It's a pity that China comes last with a miserable 0.7.

The survey shows there's a great differencein terms of people's reading rate in different countries, and Chinese people inparticular lack the good habit of reading.

In my view, this is a very serious problem.Knowledge is now recognized as the driving force behind economic growth. If wedon't read, how can we acquire the knowledge necessary to keep up with othercountries?





21. A。篇章结构题。由第一段及第三段中的I was packing up boxes and other belongings可知,作者和家人早在2009年初就开始了清理农场的工作。故A项正确。

22. A。段落大意题。第二段主要讲作者的家人之前在农场的幸福生活,即关于农场的回忆。

23. B。推理判断题。由第三段中引用的作家的话及I am not sure what this new gift will be. Perhaps the pleasure ...the new family可知,作家的话令感伤的作者感到欣慰。

24. B。细节理解题。由第三段中的it is time to let go及文章最后一句May it befilled with love again, and with new gifts to be shared by the family who willcall it home可知,作者将放弃这个美丽的农场。



25. D。细节理解题。由第二段中的I can't read this及It was my bestcursive可知,该学生不会读草书。

26. B。细节理解题。由第四段中的John Hancock's was so robust and original ... It is a work of art可知,John Hancock的签名得到了高度评价,200多年后仍被一家同名保险公司用作标识。

27. B。词义猜测题。由上下文可知,受预算的影响,学校常放弃音乐和艺术课,却保留危险的足球课。如果草书成为另外一个课程牺牲品,那对学生会是一大损失。故划线词的意思应该是“放弃”。

28. C。推理判断题。由最后一段Thank you, Mrs. Shaw, for seeing so much in my handwriting. I neededthat push可推断,老师表扬作者的话令作者很受鼓舞。



29. B。细节理解题。由第一段中的It's always been a rule in my family, spoken or unspoken, that youdon't waste food及this subject is deep inmy genes and upbringing可知,作者小时候不被允许浪费食物。

30. A。写作手法题。第二段中用六个数据说明当前浪费食物的现象严重。

31. D。词义猜测题。由上文的Luckily及下文的Nowsupermarkets feature the ugly. It's fashionable. More artful terms are favored可推断,关于丑食物的运动正越来越受欢迎。故D项正确。

32. C。细节理解题。由最后一段中的we've taken the line that rather than throw away things ... we wouldjust give them to you and you could decide可知,the Kretschmann Farm CSA尽力把不完美的食物交给消费者自己选择。



33. C。细节理解题。由Super Kids Breakfast部分的$15 perperson for members可知,两个会员共需支付30美元。

34. D。细节理解题。由Super Kids Earth Day Evening部分的Learn about where your food comes from可知,通过这项活动,孩子们可以了解食品生产的过程。

35. A。细节理解题。由Egg Roll部分的In the greattradition of the White House, The Magic House is inviting children to ... 可知。




36. B。B项与上文的I used to spend thesecond half of Sunday dreading Monday morning相呼应。

37. D。D项与上文的When you get readyto exercise, you warm up first相呼应,且下文的Geteverything you need for the morning ready to go ... a long hot bath是对D项的具体说明。

38. A。A项与下文的can help withgetting up a little early Monday morning及gently settle into the day and keep that weekend feeling of ease asyou start your new week相呼应。

39. F。F项是对上文的a quote的举例说明。

40. C。C项与本段小标题Look at theweek's tasks as opportunities instead of problems相呼应,且与空前和空后的句子是并列关系,举例说明如何积极看待未来一周的工作任务。




41. B。由下文的let tomorrow take care of itself可推测,此处是说要“快乐(merry)”。

42. A。43. D。由下文的with feelings ofguilt about what we should or shouldn't eat可知,如今人们享受生活的本能被罪恶感“代替(replaced)”,这是“可悲(Sadly)”的。

44. D。由上文的we should or shouldn't eat及damaging可推断,此处是说那些所谓的“有害的(harmful)”食物到底有多大危害。

45. C。下文详细介绍了人们通常喜欢的食物的优缺点,故填closely。look moreclosely at ... 更仔细地看。

46. C。由上文的mild stimulants可知,巧克力中所含的兴奋剂有助于“集中精力(concentration)”。

47. D。由下文的if eaten in the evenings可知,晚上吃巧克力可能会“妨碍(interrupt)”睡眠。

48. A。由下文的it is hard for the body to store it as fat可推断,糖能较快地转变为“能量(energy)”。

49. B。50. B。糖能更快地使你感到“吃饱了(full)”,所以你不太可能“吃得过多(overeat)”。

51. D。由下文的tooth decay可知,接下来要讲的是“坏(bad)”消息。

52. A。糖能“引起(causes)”蛀牙。

53. C。由下文的as it is a major source of protein, vitamin B and essential minerals可知,肉是一种“重要的(important)”食物。

54. C。上文讲肉营养丰富,下文讲肉含脂肪且牛肉会引起一种疾病。前后是转折关系,故选However。

55. B。人们将一种影响人类大脑的疾病“归咎于(blamed)”牛肉。

56. D。咖啡因使人们更“活跃(active)”。

57. B。由上文的they can disturb sleep可知,晚上不宜“喝(drunk)”咖啡或茶。

58. A。由上文对各种食物的优缺点的介绍及下文的eat small amounts of these foods可知,“健康(health)”的关键在于适度饮食。

59. A。 “少量食用”与“忘记罪恶感”之间是并列关系,故选and。

60. C。此处与文章第一段的with feelings of guilt相呼应,故选guilty。


61. wearing。考查动词-ing形式作定语的用法。women后跟后置定语,因women与wear之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且wear表示的是正在进行的动作,故填wearing。

62. a。考查不定冠词。town为可数名词,且在此表泛指,故填a。设空处所在句意为“那时,这座城市只是马萨诸塞英属殖民地的一座小镇。”

63. of。考查介词。accuse sb. of ... 意为“因……指控某人”。

64. were sentenced。考查一般过去时的被动语态。sentence所表示的动作发生在过去,且people与sentence之间是被动关系,故填weresentenced。

65. really。考查副词。设空处修饰系动词,故填really。

66. to teach。考查不定式作状语的用法。city与teach之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且设空处表目的,故填to teach。

67. who / that。考查关系词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰people,且在从句中作主语,故填who / that。

68. what。考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句,在从句中作主语且指代事物,故填what。

69. known。考查过去分词作表语的用法。be known as意为“被称为”。

70. shows。考查名词。and连接并列成分,且由Films可知设空处需填名词的复数形式,故填shows。

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