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tamoadmin 2024-05-30 人已围观

简介1.高考英语应该买那种资料好2.高考英语第二轮复习用什么资料好3.高考英语语法考点总结高考英语必背3500词I-J-K  1.idea n. have some/ no idea + 从句 / of ?  I have no idea why she left. / I have no idea of his address.  2. identity n The police are






 1.idea n. have some/ no idea + 从句 / of ?

 I have no idea why she left. / I have no idea of his address.

 2. ◎identity n The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer.

 The thief used a false identity. identity card=ID card

 4.ill adj 1) ill与sick的区别 He was ill/ sick. a sick mother

 2) = bad have a bad/ an ill effect on?影响不好 speak/ think ill of sb. 说某人的坏话

 5. ◎illegal / legal adj. It is illegal to drive through a red light.

 illegally adv. He entered the country illegally.

 6. imagine v. imagine sth. / doing sth. I can?t imagine life without the children now. I can?t imagine 7.◎immediately adv. He answered almost immediately.

 Turn right immediately after the church.

 conj. Immediately he had gone,I remembered her name.

 immediate adj. an immediate reaction / response take immediate action

 8. ●import 进口,输入 n. the import of electrical goods.

 v. All the meat is imported from France.

 9. ◎ impression n. a) get a good / bad impression of sb a general / an overall impression b) My words made no impression on her.

 His trip to India makes a strong impression on him.

 c) be under the impression that

 I was under the impression that the work had already been completed.

 impress v. impress sb with sth / sb He impressed us with his sincerity.

 impress sth on / upon sb He impressed on us the need for immediate action.

 impress sth / itself on / upon sth Her words impressed themselves on my memory.

 11.in prep.

 ○1 in a word一句话说 ○2 in all 总共

 ○3 in modern times ○4 be measured in tons 用吨来衡量

 ○5 in that? 因为 ○6 in the eighteenth century/ in the1990s ○7 in one?s twenties

 ○8 in pencil/ English/ ink用铅笔/英语/墨水 ○9 pay sth in cash


 12.include v.

 13. increase 1) v. increase to / by 增加到/了

 2) n Great demands lead to a large increase in supply.

 increasingly adv. 越来越多的,不断增加的'

 increasingly difficult/ important/ popular

 15. ◎indicate A red sky at night often indicated fine weather the next day.

 In his letter, he indicated to us that he was willing to cooperate.

 indication n. indication of sth / doing sth

 They gave no indication of how the work should be done .

 16. ◎ industry n.------ industrial adj. heavy / light industry

 17. influence n. have a strong? ~ on/ upon sb / sth

 ~over sb / sth His parents no longer have any ~ over her.

 under the ~ of sb / sth He committed the crime under the ~ of the drugs.

 Those friends are a bad ~ on her. v. His writings have ~d the lives of millions.

 18.● inform 告诉,通知 inform sb. of /that

 We regret to inform you that your application has been rejected.

 keep sb. informed of make informed decision

 19.◎ injure v. He ~d his knee playing football.

 This could seriously ~the company?s reputation.

 injury n. injuries There were no injuries in the crash.

 The players are out of the team because of injury.

 20. ◎ insert v. ~ sth in / into/ between sth

 They ~a tube in his mouth to help him breathe.

 ~ sth into sth He ~ed a paragraph into his will.

 1The man insisted that he 21. insist v. ○

 ○2 insist on doing sth.




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核心资料 3000词汇书,建议用星火的。这是必须每一个词都会背会用会写,没的说,熟练掌握这3000词是高中英语的核心学习内容,也是你考上130的必要条件

辅助资料:针对第二轮复习,可以以单项上的突破为重。建议:在改错、语法上使用星火的单项练习,就是每一块有一本的那种,市场上很多。阅读上的话,不建议多做题目,把老师布置的做了基本就可以了。完型的话,是建议买星火的完型来做,基本上一个星期至少要多做两篇,当成考试认真地做。做完以后要对包括作业考试在内的完型都做一个统计,哪些题型是主要错的,注意一篇完型不能错超过三个,这样才能保证你130。作文上的话,建议买一本星火的 四六级作文讲解这类的,具体的看下面的解释。



英语其实不难,可以说阅读关键在于词汇量,完型单项在于语感和语法,词汇量需要你熟练掌握3000基本词,这是必须的!大二绝对要完成这一指标!完成后,120绝对是你的最低分数(背完四级包你130,你信不信?)。语感的话我就不说了,多背,别去背课文,而要去背新概念(二册以上)这些老美写的文章!具体到语法细节,上课认真记笔记,定期复习,应该是最简单的,是不能错超过2道的。作文的话,你现在要做一件事,哪一本新笔记本,专门用来记平时看到觉得有亮点的词组与句型,不管是笔记本里的、同学写的、课外书看的。。。积少成多,以后你的作文将成为佳句之海。。。建议你买一本星火四六级作文来看看,高考作文范文太弱智了。小技巧:找出你现在的几篇作文,把你所有认为“大家都这么用”的句子、名词、形容词、动词找出来,记下来,以后注意它们有什么高级替换?找到一个记一个,比如说什么什么数据或者谁谁指了说明了什么什么,这个指出说明可以用show, point out, indicate, demonstrate, advocate, reveal,

表示原因的可以用 because, because of, for, so, thus, as a result, for the reason that, too...that..., so....that, A make B to be sth , cause, 好一点的可以用consequently, as a consequence, lead to, give rise to, result from, result in, thanks to, A render B into, A attribute sth to B, contribute to, 虚拟语气had not a, .....太多了。。。



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